Trump defended his travel ban, saying it would protect the country.
by Angela Dawkins
Outrage 122 of 1000

US Government planned to send 5,200 troops to the US-Mexico border to guard against a caravan of 3,500 Central American migrants.
by Alexander Greenblatt
Outrage 119 of 1000

Immigrant families demand to be dropped from the WIC program after news reports that the White House is planning to deny legal status to immigrants who’ve used public benefits.
by Rosane Chamecki
Outrage 111 of 1000

Trump calls refugees “SO DANGEROUS."
by Angela Dawkins
Outrage 82 of 1000

Department of Homeland Security began to explore smaller policy tweaks it could legally enact without the approval of Congress.
by Alyna Valderrama
Outrage 67 of 1000

Trump’s cabinet voted in May 2018 to decide whether to separate migrant children, a month after then AG Sessions launched the “zero tolerance” policy.
by Tofu Riot
Outrage 66 of 1000

Trump stated that he would sign an executive order to end birthright citizenship in the United States.
by Rosane Chamecki
Outrage 65 of 1000

State Department imposed rule that allowed consulates to deny women who are pregnant or may become pregnant a tourist visa.
by Sketchy Richie
Outrage 50 of 1000

Trump announced that the U.S.-Mexico border would be sealed off to combat COVID (despite Mexico having less cases than the US).
by Miwa Matreyek
Outrage 46 of 1000

Trump considered cutting airport security and coast guard budget to fund his border wall.
by Anonymous
Outrage 41 of 1000

In a legal brief defending the travel ban, the Justice Department cited a segregation-era court case as justification.
by Kara Schlindwein
Outrage 35 of 1000

The Trump administration placed immigration restrictions on Nigeria, Sudan, Tanzania, Eritrea, Myanmar, and Kyrgyzstan.
by Sketchy Richie
Outrage 29 of 1000

Hawaiian federal judge blocked Trump’s second travel ban. Trump called it, “unprecedented judicial overreach.”
by Isaiah King
Outrage 25 of 1000

Trump threatened to close Mexican border by force.
by Alexander Greenblatt
Outrage 19 of 1000

Trump ordered an end to the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.
by Tofu Riot
Outrage 17 of 1000

The Trump administration said it would block any new applications to DACA.
by Rebecca Fitton
Outrage 13 of 1000

Trump signed the Muslim travel ban.
by Isaiah King
Outrage 4 of 1000

Before meeting the Mexican President, Trump tweeted: “If Mexico is unwilling to pay for the badly needed wall, then it would be better to cancel the upcoming meeting.”
by nhoqi
Outrage 1 of 1000